Difference of Lab-Grown Diamonds and Natural Diamonds

Lab-Grown or Natural Diamonds

Before you go to buy diamond jewelry, you should have all the knowledge about diamonds, both lab-grown and natural. Most people have questions on their minds about whether they should buy lab-grown diamonds or not. Therefore, we are delighted to share all our knowledge with you about lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds.

Our purpose is not to convince people that they should purchase a diamond.

We're here to help customers who buy diamonds get the most value for their cash. We find the right balance of quality to get the biggest diamond possible within your budget while avoiding rocks and shoals along the way.

What are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are man made diamonds that mirror natural diamonds. Because they actually consist of carbon atoms structures, lab-grown diamonds display the same chemical and optical characteristics of a natural diamond crystal produced by the geological processes of Mother Nature.

How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?

Natural diamonds grow through intense heat and pressure which, over millions of years, transforms carbon atoms into beautiful and captivating gemstones we know as diamonds.

Lab-created diamonds grow the same way, only through a man-made process that takes several weeks, not millions of years.

Man-made diamonds begin with a tiny piece of diamond, known as a diamond seed. This seed is placed sealed inside a special chamber designed to mimic conditions within the Earth’s crust. 

The seed, coated in pure carbon, will eventually transform into a synthetic diamond, chemically identical to a natural diamond.

There are two different methods used for lab-created diamonds; High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD).

HPHT places intense heat and pressure on the diamond seed and the carbon atoms coating it. On the other hand, CVD uses less heat and pressure, instead introducing a mixture of chemical gases that break down and harden into crystallized carbon atoms.

With both methods, the result is the same; a man-made diamond, created from scratch in a matter of weeks.

Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds

Without specialized equipment, you won't be able to tell the difference between a lab grown or a natural diamond — they appear the same. The only noticeable difference between them is their origin: one was formed deep within the Earth, the other was grown in a lab.

Our lab grown diamonds display the same physical, chemical, and optical characteristics as natural diamonds, and exhibit the same fire, scintillation, and sparkle. Lab created diamonds may exhibit different trace elements than natural diamonds that do not affect the appearance of the diamond. Lab created diamonds can be distinguished from natural diamonds only with tests using specialized equipment.

Lab-Grown Diamond Benefits

Lab grown diamonds are an excellent alternative to mined diamonds. Not only are they physically identical, but they’re also sourced responsibly and are more cost-effective. Some of the biggest advantages of a lab created diamond include:

  • Fewer defects
  • Greater affordability
  • Colors that are rarely found in nature can be created, making unique and coveted pieces more obtainable
  • Trackable origin sources allow us to source diamonds from reputable places that don't engage in poor treatment of workers or communities
  • HPHT and CVD lab grown diamond methods make it easier to keep up with demand without sacrificing quality or engaging in harmful processes.
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